"Funky Forty"
Arthur Young (New 4-Star Album Review!)
Composed by Arthur Young
August 1, 2024:
Originally published in Daddy B. Nice's New CD Reviews
July 22, 2024:
ARTHUR YOUNG: Straight Outa Summit (Summit Boi Entertainment) Four Stars **** Distinguished effort. Should please old fans and gain new.
Hard to believe in 2024, but
Straight Outa Summit is Arthur Young's sixth full-length studio album since his 2020 album debut,
A Trucker's Blues, which itself followed Young's true debut, the "Funky Forty" EP. In an era when a new generation of southern soul artists led by King George is almost exclusively focused on recording singles, one-time truck driver Arthur Young is an outlier, building his legacy on one solid album after another, with
Straight Outa Summit his finest effort to date. It isn't as if he hasn't done plenty of singles and EP's, the recent cover of his longtime mentor Tyrone Davis's
"Are You Serious" being only the latest example.
In the hallowed and much-missed tradition of John Ward's Ecko albums of the aughts and teens, Young's newest album begins with a pair of "familiarizing" numbers,
"Tipping In The Juke Joint" and
"Cheat In Peace". Then, having put the spade to the earth, Arthur starts digging in earnest for gold.
"Let It Move" showcases Young's new and improved attention to detail, fortifying his first-class songwriting and vocalizing with top-notch instrumental track production (with solid lead guitar), not always his strong suit in the past. I often harp on the disappearance of the mouth harp in southern soul (pun intended), but Arthur Young even exhibits a harmonica-led instrumental track in
"Black Cat". And he goes to the man with the harmonica himself (Bobby Rush) for a cover of
"I Ain't Studdin' Ya".
"Some men have a cougar/But I have a
"Bobcat," Young sings in the tune of the same title. "Your 'forty' ain't enough for me," she cautions, referencing Arthur's signature song "Funky Forty". Young has already recorded a single called
"Cougar Talk" (also included), but "Bobcat" is the oldest (fifty-five), toughest, and most discerning cougar Arthur's encountered.
Another solid mid-tempo groove, the bluesy and cryptically-titled
"D.D.B.N.M" actually translates to the very ordinary and domestic, "My Dog Don't Bark No More". "And my neighbor hang around the house" is the refrain---and from there it's all breaking bad---"And now I think they're mad that I'm hanging around." Worse for Young's besieged narrator (and even better for us fans), he's confronted with trespassers
"Fishing In My Pond," taking away those easy, night-fishin' catches.
And thus harassed on every side by intransigent, show-me cougars and bobcats, tenacious "Jody's" and dubious "funky forty's," Young makes his way through this entertaining set. A throwback to the days when you could put a CD or a 33 RPM in the stereo system and go about your household duties knowing you had a half-hour of seamless sounds to buoy your spirits, it would be hard to find a collection by a current artist as steeped in the pleasant (and sometimes hilarious) themes and memes of southern soul culture.
--Daddy B. Nice
Listen to all the tracks from Arthur Young's new STRAIGHT OUTA SUMMIT album on YouTube.
Buy Arthur Young's new STRAIGHT OUTA SUMMIT album at Apple.
Listen to Arthur Young's STRAIGHT OUTA SUMMIT album on Spotify.
Read Daddy B. Nice's Artist Guide to Arthur Young.
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November 1, 2023: NEW ALBUM ALERT!
Buy Arthur Young's new COUNTRY BOY MUSIC TRAILRIDE EDITION album at Apple.
CB Talk
Delta Blues
Born In The Country
Talk To Me
Only Sunshine
Shake Sum
If You Can't Ride
Back Yard Party
Good For The Gander
Trucker's Slide
Daddy B. Nice notes:
"Talk To Me" is my personal favorite on this new Arthur Young album. What used to be called a "walking blues". More upbeat and uptempo than much of the set. With horns, man!
But sum might say
"Shake Sum" is the stand-out track. It's essentially a rap laid over a street-band phrase, harsh and in-your-face.
And it's hard not to give the "best of the lot" to
"Trucker Slide," featuring Mrs. Ty and DJ Trucker. It charted at
#6 in August.
All three of these songs have been released earlier this year. "Talk To Me" only missed being the #1 single in May because King George's "Night-time" seized the top spot. Here's what I said about it:
"Talk To Me"-----
Arthur Young
Notice what's different? Just what I've been harping on. The production! This is so good it sounds live. Robust bass and drums, a smoky soul organ, a bluesy lead guitar, even horns! This might be the most important record Arthur Young has made since
"Funky Forty". At last the finest up-and-coming vocalist in southern soul has a stage worthy of his unique pipes.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Talk To Me" on YouTube.
That being said, a good portion (perhaps most) of the set is straight-ahead funky blues ("Born In The Country," "Delta Blues," "If You Can't Ride") with a scorcher of a blues guitarist backing up Arthur.
Listen to Arthur Young singing all the tracks from COUNTRY BOY MUSIC TRAILRIDE EDITION on YouTube.
Listen to all the tracks from Arthur Young's new COUNTRY BOY MUSIC TRAILRIDE EDITION album at Spotify.
Buy Arthur Young's new COUNTRY BOY MUSIC TRAILRIDE EDITION album at Apple.
Best Cover Song:
Arthur Young ----- “This Time It Was Me”
Updating "Sho' Wasn't Me" for a new generation...
Listen to Arthur Young singing "This Time It Was Me" on YouTube.
See Daddy B. Nice's BEST OF 2022.
October 23, 2022: NEW ALBUM ALERT!
Buy Arthur Young's new BACK TO THE BLUES album at Blues Critic.
It's Friday
Back It Up
Boots And Dukes
Can't Be No Fool
Catfishing (Original)
Country Man
Just Another Friday
This Time It Was Me
Chocolate Swirl
Mr. Bartender (feat. Big Yayo)
Daddy B. Nice notes:
Wow. On first impression, there's more substance in
Back To The Blues than in the preceding Vols. 1 & 2 of "Trucker's Blues" put together. At the very least, it's an extremely interesting set, although it does start unassumingly. "It's Friday" and "Bag It Up" are not remakes of Sir Charles Jones' or Nathaniel Kimble's classic singles. I scolded another singer/songwriter---J-Wonn, for using B.B. King's "The Thrill Is Gone"---just last month, but Arthur evidently skipped that lecture. Speaking of classics, the record from "Back ToThe Blues" that turned my head was "This Time It Was Me," #1 on Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 Southern Soul Singles
(October 2022).
Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles For. . .
-------OCTOBER 2022-------
1. "This Time It Was Me"-----Arthur Young
This insider's delight muscled its way up the playlist by hook and by crook. Instrumentally, of course, it's a downgrade from Ronnie Lovejoy's magnificent "Sho' Wasn't Me," and at first you'll be fascinated by the relative drop-offs in production as Young faithfully renders the song right down to the legendary female back-up singers. But then, as you continue to hear it with other new music, it grows on you. Not only does Young throw his complete body and spirit into his most tremendous vocal ever. He gets so far into the lyrics he genuinely updates the classic "case of mistaken identity" for the new generation.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "This Time It Was Me" on YouTube.
Re-recording "Sho' Wasn't Me" was the equivalent of walking on sacrilegious ground, yet Arthur Young comes out smelling like a rose. "Back To The Blues" also features the return of
"Catfishing," recorded and released the way it should have been in the first place. (Scroll down for prior write-ups on that, and thank you, Arthur.) Two tracks have been solid radio singles this year: the memorable
"Country Man" and
"Mr. Bartender," featuring Big Yayo, the lone guest artist on the CD.
Also watch for the catchy and libidinous
"Chocolate Swirl" and
"Can't Be No Fool," the latter with a jooking, "Good Booty Judy"-like rhythm track. There's also a stepping song called
"Just Another Friday" that is sure to gain fans. Don't want to be premature, but
Back To The Blues sure seems to fulfill the promise the "Trucker's Blues" albums never quite delivered.
Listen to Arthur Young singing all the tracks from BACK TO THE BLUES on YouTube.
Listen to all the tracks from Arthur Young's new BACK TO THE BLUES album at Spotify.
Buy Arthur Young's new BACK TO THE BLUES album at Blues Critic.
Buy Arthur Young's new BACK TO THE BLUES album at Apple.

See the chart.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Funky Forty" on YouTube.
March 1, 2022:
Daddy B. Nice's Profile
This artist guide marks the rocket-like ascension of Arthur Young from the depths of the "newbies" at #242 all the way up to #17 on Daddy B. Nice's newest and most relevant chart: The New Generation. Young is a trucker from Summit, Mississippi, a don't-blink-or-you'll-miss-it whistle stop south of Jackson near McComb off I-55, southern soul's most widely-travelled touring highway.
Few artists have made such an impression on the southern soul fan base in such a short time. Even fewer have showered as much music upon it. Since his debut in 2020 Young has published (in addition to singles) an EP (Funky Forty), a debut album (A Trucker's Blues, 2020), a sophomore album (A Trucker's Blues Vol. 2, 2021) and---just out---a third album, Drank My Liquor & Talk To Me (2022).
He is not a balladeer. In fact, it's hard to think of a slow song in his repertoire. Arthur's specialty is the sweet, rocking, mid-tempo range blazed by legendary beloveds like Clarence Carter, Tyrone Davis and Marvin Sease. In songs like "Funky Forty," "Stroking," "Good Booty Judy" and "Catfishing," Young perfectly captures the tone, texture and tempo epitomized by Carter's "Slip Away" or Sease's "Do You Qualify".
Not only does Arthur Young tap effortlessly into southern soul's most creative musical aquifer. He's one of the most talented word-smiths to emerge in the last decade. In "Good Booty Judy" Young riffs lyrically on every possible metaphor gleaned from binge-watching TV commercials:
"But I just call her my 'good-booty judy'
Because she knows how to please...
"And the way she let me have it my way, y'all,
No lie, I just wanna call her my Burger King...
"...Sometimes I call her Geico
Because 15 minutes is all I need...
...Sometimes I call her All State
Because that girl got them good hands on me...
...And sometimes I want to call her State Farm
'Cause I know that woman gonna listen for me."
In "Funky Forty" Young sings:
"It's finally Monday morning. Guess what.
I think the girl done got broke again.
She do the same thing every weekend.
She can disappear Friday
But Monday she's calling again.
"Because I'm a runnning with forty dollars
So I can get it in.
That girl like to party hard on the weekend
But Monday she be calling again..."
The great expectations generated by songs like Arthur's "Good Booty Judy" and "Funky Forty," however, haven't yet translated to a leisurely stroll down the rose-strewn path to stardom. Although Young has succeeded at making a solid brand---no easy task---for himself, he's been hampered by an inability to bring his compositions to full fruition in the studio. Production has been his Achilles' heel.
This is disconcerting given that most of Arthur's music since "Funky Forty" has been produced by Ronald "Slack" Jefferson, winner of Daddy B. Nice's Best Producer Of The Year award two of the last three years, the very time period of Young's emergence. And yet, Slack's instrumental tracks for Young have been uncharacteristically spare and minimal.
This discrepancy between artistic vision and finished product is most obvious in the studio version of "Catfishing," in which Slack's overly-fast and punctuated instrumental track sucks all the life and substance out of what had been a promising demo and potential hit single in its first version posted on Arthur Young's Facebook page. "Catfishing" cries out for strings or guitar or background vocals and a full fleshing-out at an anthem-like, medium-ranged tempo. The Facebook video was close---or closer---for sure. (Scroll down to "About The Artist" for more on this.)
Young has responded lately by branching out into other avenues of style and presentation in such disparate singles as the hard-bluesy "Welcome To The Country" and the lush, highly-synthesized"I Wanna Be Your Freak," both included in his just-released album Drank My Liquor & Talk To Me (2022).
But as interesting as these artistic digressions may be, Young is straying from the very Tyrone Davis-style sound that made "Funky Forty" a phenomenal record. And to this day "Funky Forty," produced by McComb, Mississippi's Tony T., remains the finest manifestation of Arthur Young's musical vision.
For Daddy B. Nice's discography, reviews, album alerts, and the newest commentary and contemporaneous reports on Arthur Young's career, scroll down this page to the "About The Artist" and "Tidbits".
To automatically link to Arthur Young's charted radio singles, awards, CD's and other citations on the website, go to "Arthur Young" in Daddy B. Nice's Comprehensive Index.
--Daddy B. Nice
About Arthur Young (New 4-Star Album Review!)
April 4, 2020:
Originally Posted in Daddy B. Nice's New CD Reviews:
April 4, 2020:
Arthur Young: Funky Forty EP (Vigor Music). Four Stars **** Distinguished Debut By A New Southern Soul Artist.
Arthur Young has a no-frills video posted on his
Facebook page--just him
casually singing a song. Underneath the video are the words:
"Rough draft to “Catfishing” What y’all think!!"
I'll tell you what your Daddy B. Nice thinks. Terrific. "Catfishing" will be as big or bigger than
"Funky Forty". Southern soul music has found itself a keeper.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
"Funky Forty" is a four-song collection headlined by the tune, "Funky Forty". It snuck out a few days before Christmas last year--December 20th, to be exact--and without any publicity or industry recognition the
YouTube video has already amassed over 700,000 views. Clearly, the young man is doing something that attracts an audience.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Funky Forty" on YouTube.
Young didn't appear completely out of the void. Accompanied by southern soul up-and-comer, writer-producer Tony Tatum on the "Funky Forty" choruses, he was soon given the ultimate peer compliment when Rosalyn Candy recorded an "answer" song to "Funky Forty" which, when it first came through my e-mail, was how I first became aware of Young's original.
Listen to Rosalyn Candy singing "Funky Forty Reply".
"Funky Forty" is much more than its justifiably-lauded lyrics. It's got a good groove, a solid rhythm track, an easy-going yet memorable melody, and--grounding it all--an earthy, believable vocal. And, on top of that, you get all the funny lyrics about the in's and out's of keeping a forty-dollar whore. Wasn't there a single?--now what was the name of that?--called
"My Sidepiece" with some of the same keep-you-laughing qualities?
Here's how it charted:
Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles For. . .
-------FEBRUARY 2020-------
...3. "Funky Forty"------Arthur Young
Bargain-priced sexual favors in the shadowy corners of the chitlin' circuit make for a funny and memorable tune that has already garnered a quarter-million YouTube views.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Funky Forty" on YouTube.
And that was followed by...
Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles For. . .
-------APRIL 2020-------
...2. "Stroking"----Arthur Young
Clarence Carter would be proud of this young man's authoritative "Stroking". Young has already brought us the surefire classic "Funky Forty" (See #3, Top 10 Singles February 2020), and just as with that hit single, he has a knack for the right phrase. "I'll be crying in the morning/ I'll be begging in the evening/ But I bet I'll be strokin' tonight." From Arthur Young's Funky Forty EP.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Stroking" on YouTube.
Easy to overlook, because the lyrics of the two tunes are so good, is the fact Young's music is substantial in terms of both composition and production. And when I think of "substantial," I think of
Marvin Sease. 
Marvin's "everyman" voice (which he used to his advantage) and cunningly accessible production more than made up for Johnnie Taylor flash or Ronnie Lovejoy depth. Sease's sound was consistently round and full, pulling you in, charming the socks off you, humble and humorous, yet always swinging, always pulsing that groove.
Young's artistry is much like that. He sounds like a Sease-kinda everyman, intimate with all the low-life details, the stories of the contemporary culture we delight in hearing about, and armed with the intuitive musical tools to bring them off.
Of the remaining two songs on the EP, "Windex Man" is an acceptable but in the end resistible take-off on Betty Wright's "Clean Up Woman," while
"Knock It" is a well-received (75,000 views) but ultimately forgettable tune, well within the long shadows cast by "Stroking" and "Funky Forty".
Bring on
--Daddy B. Nice
Listen to all the tracks from Arthur Young's "Funky Forty" EP on YouTube.
Buy Arthur Young's new Funky Forty EP at Apple.
February 6, 2021: Daddy B. Nice’s Top 25 Songs of 2020#3 Song of 2020

"Funky Forty"------Arthur Young
See Daddy B. Nice's "Best of 2020" awards.
Best Debut: "Funky Forty" and "Stroking" by Arthur Young
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Funky Forty" on YouTube.
August 21, 2020: NEW ALBUM ALERT!
Buy Arthur Young's new A TRUCKER'S BLUES album at Amazon.
1 Get Lit
2 Getting It in the Daylight
3 Windex Man
4 Drop It
5 Catfishing
6 Knock It
7 Loopty Loop
8 Funky Forty
9 Stroking
10 Slide wit It
Daddy B. Nice notes:
My first comments on Arthur Young's debut album came earlier this year (before there was even an album) in regard to "Catfishing," a song from the just-minted A TRUCKER'S BLUES that Arthur previewed on a Facebook page around the time he published his 4-song EP, FUNKY FORTY. (Scroll down this page.) Then, earlier this month, Arthur made Daddy B. Nice's
Mailbag (August 12th) when a reader wrote in as follows:
August 12, 2020:Looking For A Song Letter: Arthur Young's "Catfishing"
Hey Daddy,
I'm a fan of Arthur Young, and I was interested by your comment in your "News & Notes" (August 1st) that you'd heard an early recording of Young's "Catfishing" on his Facebook page that was better than the one that's being previewed on YouTube ahead of the album release. Is that still up? Can you help me find that?
Daddy B. Nice replies:
Sure, Shonda. That's still posted in Arthur's Artist Guide. But here it is again. I don't want to say it's the perfect production, but I like the thickness of the vocal and the more relaxed tempo. The updated version has a quicker tempo and a pared-down vocal that loses some of Arthur's charisma, I think. Oh, and by the way, my memory of it was a little off: Arthur's not playing the guitar, he's just singing along to his recording.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Catfishing" on Facebook.
Whatever you think of
"Catfishing," there's no doubting the talent Young possesses, and the well-deserved attention he's been getting from the fans and his older peers in southern soul music.
In less than a year his debut single
"Funky Forty" has amassed close to two million YouTube views and become a new classic among southern soul faithful.
It first charted here in February as follows:
Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles For. . .
-------FEBRUARY 2020-------
…3. "Funky Forty"------Arthur Young
Bargain-priced sexual favors in the shadowy corners of the chitlin' circuit make for a funny and memorable tune that has already garnered a quarter-million YouTube views.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Funky Forty" on YouTube.
That was soon followed by the single "Stroking".
Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles For. . .
-------APRIL 2020-------
…2. "Stroking" ---- Arthur Young
Clarence Carter would be proud of this young man's authoritative "Stroking". Young has already brought us the surefire classic "Funky Forty" (See #3, Top 10 Singles February 2020), and just as with that hit single, he has a knack for the right phrase. "I'll be crying in the morning/ I'll be begging in the evening/ But I bet I'll be strokin' tonight." From Arthur Young's Funky Forty EP.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Stroking" on YouTube.
And that in turn was succeeded by "Loopty Loop".
Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 "BREAKING" Southern Soul Singles For. . .
-------JULY 2020-------
…9. "Loopty Loop"----Arthur Young
He's a natural, and if the breaks break right, he should have a long career.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Loopty Loop" on YouTube.
Other new cuts from A TRUCKER'S BLUES worth checking out are
"Getting It In The Daylight" and
"Get Lit". Few debut artists bring this measure of talent and such a thorough knowledge and love of southern soul culture.
Listen to all the tracks from Arthur Young's A TRUCKER'S BLUES on YouTube.
Buy Arthur Young's new A TRUCKER'S BLUES album at Apple.
Listen to Arthur Young's A TRUCKER'S BLUES on Spotify.
1. Arthur Young on YouTube:
Listen to Arthur singing "Good Booty Judy" on YouTube.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "This Time It Was Me" on YouTube.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Country Man" on YouTube.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Grandma Drawers" on YouTube.
Listen to Arthur Young singing "Stroking" on YouTube.
March 1, 2021: NEW ALBUM ALERT!
Buy Arthur Young's new A Trucker's Blues, Vol. 2 (Country Boy Noise) album at Amazon.
A Trucker's Blues, Vol. 2 (Country Boy Noise) TRACK LIST:
Drunk Man
Wife On The Side
Throw That Thang
Love Cost
Good Booty Judy
Country Boi Slide
Bill Collectors (Down In The Pike)
Daddy B. Nice notes:

If there was any doubt that Arthur Young is one of the finest singer/songwriters to come down the pike in many years, his new album
A Trucker's Blues, Vol. 2 (Country Boy Noise) should send any doubters scurrying back to their burrows. If anything, Young's sophomore album is even stronger than his celebrated first. Ronald "Slack" Jefferson from the Jeter Jones "family" is the producer, and he must lick his lips every time Young brings him a new song with lyrics that many another artist would commit felonies to author.
Young is a worthy successor to the legendary Tyrone Davis and more recently the beloved O.B. Buchana. He occupies that hard-to-define middle ground of southern soul, where modest and unassuming tempos and melodies rise like oven-baked bread to a delectable fruition. Enthusiasm, wit and "man-shoe"-sized experience mingle in an intoxicating potpourri of talent. Whether you focus on the musical compositions, the lyrics or the delivery (instrumental track and vocals), you are transported and entertained.
In "Drunk Man" you might focus on the strength of the melody, in "Love Cost," you might focus on the powerful and convincing vocal, in "Wife On The Side" you might focus on the witty juxtaposition of "wife" and "girlfriend".
Lyrically, we haven't seen a songwriter this enthused and engaged and in love with his craft since
Luther Lackey (who unfortunately dropped by the wayside). In
"Good Booty Judy" every verse is an opportunity for Young to riff on similes, metaphors and catch-phrases from everyday life.
"Sometimes I call her Geico,
Because fifteen minutes is all I need...
Sometimes I call her All-State,
Because that girl got her good hands on me..."
Arthur Young genuinely revels in making ordinary life special.
Listen to all the tracks from Arthur Young's new A Trucker's Blues, Vol. 2 (Country Boy Noise) album on YouTube.
Buy Arthur Young's new A Trucker's Blues, Vol. 2 (Country Boy Noise) album at Apple.
Listen to Arthur Young's new A Trucker's Blues, Vol. 2 (Country Boy Noise) album on Spotify.
June 1, 2022:Originally posted in Daddy B. Nice's CD Reviews.
Arthur Young: Drank My Liquor & Talk To Me (Summit Entertainment) Three Stars *** Solid. The artist's fans will enjoy.
The entertainingly-titled
Drank My Liquor & Talk To Me is Arthur Young's third long-play album in three consecutive years, not to mention his Funky Forty EP and a slew of single releases. The man is nothing if not prolific, so the cover art featuring a sleepy or sleeping Young sprawled drunk against the big tire of his eighteen-wheeler with a cowboy hat over his eyes, a bottle in one hand and a towel hanging from his teeth to his chest can be taken as well-earned exhaustion.
And yet this avalanche of new music from the irrepressible singer/songwriter is unsettling. While the musical largesse is a boon for us fans, nothing on Young's three albums has come close to the hit power (backed up by many millions of YouTube views) of his classic,
"Funky Forty".
Drank My Liquor hews to the formula of the preceding "Trucker's Blues" albums: one-take (or seemingly one-take) studio tracks with comely melodies and witty lyrics with little thought to distinctive production. The accumulated creativity is amazing (i.e. listening to the entire album), but the results of any one single are tepid.
A few tracks stand out, for instance
"Welcome To the Country," which features a different, harder-edged delivery, or
"Grandma Drawers," which traffics in the novelty-song milieu Stan Butler mined in his "Grandma In The Club," or
"Mr. Hide And Go Get It," which basks in the chunka-chunka schtick of Marvin Sease with nods to Theodis Ealey.
The best of the lot may be
"Boom Shakalaka," which benefits from its similarity to "Funky Forty" and also a unique guitar riff---a small embellishment that does wonders. But ultimately the ceiling for even these songs is pretty low, although higher than middlin' tracks like "Push And Pull," "Putting In Work," "Too Damn Good," "Wrong Door," "I Wanna Be Your Freak" and "Hit It Again".
Let's face it. Arthur Young could be this generation's Tyrone Davis, but he just hasn't yet found the ease, facility and judgment of the Master. Expectations... What a bitch. Tyrone scored more often than not with his singles. Then again Tyrone had great producers. For the most part, Young appears to be going it on his own, "bare-bones" style, or if "shopping it out" doing so with draconian restrictions. No enhanced arrangements, no instrumental additions, no bridges or tweaks, no background singers, and really not much attention to a solid rhythm section or "groove".
Another of Young's influences is O.B. Buchana, and as great as The Master O.B.-1 is, he recorded a lot of music (with a lot of frequency, just like Arthur Young) that didn't "stick" as opposed to, say, an artist like Nellie Travis, who would go long---and at the time seemingly barren---intervals before putting out a monster single. I'm not saying one way is better than the other. But O.B. could have used more mid-career hits, as could Young now.
Which brings me to the question that I've been circling since the outset. Is Arthur Young stuck in artiste mode? (See French New Wave film directors.) Is he rushing the material rather than going for a home-run record, a true "funky forty" follow-up? Because it seems strange to be leaving a new
Arthur Young album without a hummable song on my lips. Not even a "Good Booty Judy"!
---Daddy B. Nice
Buy Arthur Young's Drank My Liquor & Talk To Me album at Apple.
Listen to all the tracks from Arthur Young's "Drank My Liquor & Talk To Me" album on YouTube.
Honorary "B" Side