Daddy B. Nice's


February 6, 2025:

Thank You Letter Re: Top 10 Singles:

Hello this is Teeza. I want to say thank you so much for what you always do and the recognition. Also want to say my song If you love southern soul is on YouTube. The title is really” If you love southern soul. “. That was a small blunder on my part. Once again thank you much !

Listen to Teeza singing "If You Love Southern Soul" on YouTube.

Daddy B. Nice replies:

Still can’t find it. Can you send me the link?...Oh, you previously sent it. Thank you.

See #7 Single in Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 Singles for February 2025: "If You Love Southern Soul" by Teeza.

Teeza replies: Yessir and thank you again - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

February 2, 2025:


Pictured: Marcellus The Singer

Daddy B Nice

Hello .... this is DJSuggablack in Fl. If it's possible .... can you send me the top 40 Singles from

- OCT 2024
- NOV 2024

I didnt know that they'd disappear from the site. Thank you in Advance.


Daddy B. Nice replies:

DJSuggablack, I've got good news and bad news. With the recent revamping of the website, I now have lots more room. Not unlimited---not enough to fit in all the old "News & Notes" columns---but enough to fit in all the annual Top 40 Singles charts. The bad news is that I could not find November 24 (which you asked for) or April 24. Probably because in the past I never could fit them in so wasn't disciplined enough to save them all. Anyway, just go to the Best of 2024 (last year's 2024 Corner) and scroll down the page almost all the way and you will find last year's Top 40 Charts (minus April and November). Hopefully, I'll do better in the future.

DJSuggablack replies: Thank you soooo much !!!

************** - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

Comments, information or questions for Daddy B. Nice?
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January 18, 2025:

Greetings from Sweden!

Hi Daddy B.!

I still follow your great website, in spite of less resources for both me and Jefferson magazine to be active as we once were. I hope you´re in good health (but think I somewhere in your writing read a brief mention that you have had health problems), and a good 2025.

I still try to cherry pick some from the crazy stream of new releases coming. In a review of 5-6 singles, that will be on our website (bad economy force us to cut down a bit on the printed magazine), I praise Summer Wolfe´s "Step by step", and also Stevie J transforming "Taxi" (J. Blackfoot) to "Uber" wonderful.

I´d like to reprint from your concert calendar this Jackson item, with Summer Wolfe and Karen Wolfe (are they related?). Hope that´s ok.

Saturday, February 1, 2025. 440 JXN, 440 N. Mill Street, Jackson, Mississippi. Forever The Blues Tour. Karen Wolfe, Jeff Floyd, Nathaniel Kimble, Summer Wolfe. Doors open 7 pm. Local ticket outlets. Tickets soon at Eventbrite.

Take care,

PS I will now listen to the new Sir Charles Jones. You got me curious. Photo of Sir Charles and Karen from The Blues Is Alright Tour, Dallas, 2015. Same with Mel Waiters, who I miss so much. Did interview with him in Florida for Jefferson.

Tommy Löfgren

Daddy B. Nice replies:

Hi Tommy,

Always good to hear from you. Yes, you can reprint the concert calendar item (thanks for asking). No, as far as I know, Summer Wolfe is not related to Karen Wolfe.

Have a good year my friend!

Tommy replies:

Sir Charles´ album is great. Even better when I listened second time. Think I´m gonna pour me a drank and run it a third time. Guess it´s only digital (so far).

Favorites "Where I belong" and "Rooster". Nice to hear him mention The Blues Palace in Dallas. I was there a few times. Great place! Pics of R.L. Griffin and my table-mates (they offered me a drank).

************** - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

Comments, information or questions for Daddy B. Nice?
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January 8, 2025:

Thank You Letter

Dear Daddy B. Nice,

I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support of both me and my music. As a new independent artist, the journey can often be challenging, but your consistent encouragement has truly made a difference. Every time I release a song, seeing it added to your charts reassures me that I’m on the right path, and for that, I am incredibly grateful. From January to December, I’ve been fortunate enough to be featured on Daddy B. Nice’s Corner in one way or another, and it’s an honor I don’t take lightly. Your belief in my artistry means so much to me, and I can’t thank you enough for the platform and recognition you provide. Thank you for everything—you inspire me to keep going.

With gratitude,
Lady Redtopp

Daddy B. Nice replies:

Thank you so much Lady Redtopp. Much appreciated!!

See Daddy B. Nice's Artist Guide to Lady Redtopp.

Buy Lady Redtopp's MISSISSIPPI SOUL GIRL album at Apple. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

DJ Haynes Replies To Daddy B. Nice's Comment on Possible Copyright Infringement in #5 Single "I Know He's Cheatin'" by Lady Kay (December 2024 Top 10 Singles)

Daddy B. Nice had written:

Somebody tell me where this rocking instrumental track came from---it is so familiar!

Listen to Lady Kay singing "I Know He's Cheatin'" on YouTube.

DJ Haynes replied:

I thought the same thing you mentioned about “Lady Kay - I Know He Cheated” sounding like another song - I am racking my brain! If you figure it out, please let me know so I can turn off my brain! Haha

I know it was used on another song!

DJ Haynes

Daddy B. Nice notes:

Eight days later DJ Haynes wrote back:

Bingo “Lady K” sound a like!

Back from 3 years ago! Hisyde and Chrissy Luvz "Sleeping Pill"!

Listen to Hisyde & Chrissy Luvz singing "Sleeping Pill" on YouTube.

Like you, I knew it was the track to another song!

I wish artist would stop and do some research before they invest time and money on making a song! Tonio Armani’s song “Start Over” has 25 other artist now singing over that same track! That song is 2-3 years old, actually got one today! It’s crazy!!

Good Ear!!

Daddy B. Nice notes:

As DJ Haynes mentions, this kind of piggy-backing happens frequently in southern soul, not to mention all popular music. DJ Sir Rockinghood and I often seize on similar cannibalizing of soundtracks by southern soul artists. And our publicizing of these appropriations is purely artistic. Acting upon copyright infringement is the province of artists and lawyers, i.e. expensive. That is why the most famous instance of copyright infringement had to do with George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" retread of the soundtrack of The Chiffons' "He's So Fine" ("Doodle-lang doodle-lang doodle-lang..."). The prosecution was after that pot of gold of Beatles money.

The most famous instance of copyright infringement in contemporary southern soul was in the mid-teens when the late Bishop Bullwinkle stole a Bigg Robb soundtrack for his smash hit "Hell To The Naw Naw". For those interested, I chronicled and to some extent refereed the blow-by-blow account in the Bishop Bullwinkle and Bigg Robb artist guides. The outcome was the disappearance of the original and best version on YouTube and retail outlets and its replacement by "Hell To The Naw Naw With Da Bicycle," which artistically just didn't have the same juice.

************** - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

Comments, information or questions for Daddy B. Nice?
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December 14, 2024:

Thank You Note: RE: #1 Single December


Summer Wolfe

See Daddy B. Nice's #1 Single December 2024: "Step By Step" by Summer Wolfe.

Listen to Summer Wofe singing "Step By Step" on YouTube.

Buy "Step By Step" (The Single) at Apple. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

December 2, 2024:

RE: Southern Soul Rap

Pictured: Black Zack

Daddy B Nice,

First off I want to say I love your website! For lovers of Southern Soul, this is truly the only one stop. With that being said, you do acknowledge rap/hip hop in Southern Soul, but with its growing popularity, it would be nice to see the pioneers and and trendsetters receive their flowers.

Right now acknowledging those pioneers is extremely important. I've seen posts and interviews lately where artists have wrongfully claimed to have created or started rap in Southern Soul. Some crowning themselves King or the most relevant. I think knowing the history is extremely important for any genre. I do not know the entire history but I do know that Black Zack is the first rapper I ever heard of saying they were a Southern Soul or Juke Joint Rapper. Others I remember early on are Lil Runt and J. Rizzo. I know of Cheff the Entertainer, Poka Jones, Johnny James, Badd Newz, and if I'm not mistaken Bigg Robb has a son that does Southern Soul Rap as well..

All of those guys are trendsetters in their own right, but Joe-Nice has been the most consistent hip hop artist in the genre and is no doubt the standard. I got a chance to see him do his thing at a sold out show at the North Charleston performing arts center a few years back. I wasnt as familiar with his music until then, but he put on an incredible show. I have been following him ever since. His presence has grown too. You cant listen to either Adult R&b station in Charleston without hearing his music. From Party Starter, Rockin, Share It, Juke Joint Lover and his newest single featuring Doug E Fresh... He is one of the genres superstars and deserves his recognition. I would love to know your thoughts on the subject, but I would venture to say you would at least agree with me a little bit, because Nice is one of the few rappers that repeatedly shows up on your website.

I look forward to hearing your response! Thanks for all you do.

Signed : Derrick - a preserver of the culture

Daddy B. Nice replies:

Pictured: Joe Nice

Derrick, I curled up like a lap kitten reading your appreciation of the website.

First, a couple of little-known facts. I came from hip-hop (along with a couple of other genres). Not the blues, as most people assume. A grown man, I was so into rap in the late eighties and nineties that I finagled ways to get home like a teeny-bopper to watch MTV's Top 10 hiphop countdown in the late afternoons . It was the growing minimalism and repetitiveness of hip-hop that drove me into the black underground of the Deep South (the chitlin' circuit) in the late nineties and early aughts. I still have a page---now twenty-five years old---dedicated to that transition:

The Soulful Side Of Rap & Hiphop: Daddy B. Nice's Top Twenty.

Second, I just want to say how refreshing it is to get a letter about "southern soul rap" in a year that has been overwhelmingly "southern soul country". Having said that, I agree with you about Joe Nice. Most hip-hoppers just transition into southern soul, leaving it behind as I did. Of the much more select group of rappers who have made the effort to integrate rap with southern soul, Joe Nice is head-and-shoulders above the rest. I really enjoy his collaborations with Nelson Curry, especially "Party Starter". But you don't mention my favorite Joe Nice song: "Take Your Time" with Sean Dolby. I was so enamored with this tune that it became my #1 southern soul song of the entire year in 2021.

See Daddy B. Nice's Top 25 Songs of 2021: #1 "Take Your Time".

Rap stanzas (intervals) have become so ubiquitous in southern soul that hardly anyone even notices them (other than to enjoy them) anymore. Only think of this year's southern soul country tune "Back Roads". A major reason I felt justified calling the song southern soul was the fact that it had a rap interlude, something verboten in country music.

Hey Derrick, thanks for bringing up the subject.

See Joe Nice Artist Guide.

************** - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

Comments, information or questions for Daddy B. Nice?

Write to:

November 17, 2024:

RE: DJ Jammin' Jay

I checked out DJ Jammin' Jay.

Listen to my warning everyone who uses the "STEM profile of mixing" will all sound the same. It's another way to make everyone a DJ and buy expensive DJ equipment, software (Serato or Virtual DJ) and more. The software damn near mixes itself, if you set everything up correctly.

DJ Sir Rockinghood

Daddy B. Nice notes:

See Daddy B. Nice's "News & Notes" October 20, 2024: "DJ Jammin' Jay Continues To Rip It Up." - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

November 11, 2024

Re: Will Southern Soul Deejays Play Southern Soul Country?

Pictured: Curt The Country Man

Daddy B Nice

Sorry for the late response but i'm just seeing this email. And yes we are playing songs like this and some Country songs are crossing over into the Southern Soul Genre. The feedback from fans is a positive one they are actually are dancing to these songs and requesting Them. Some Djs I network with are not surprised at this Country Music acceptance at Southern Soul Events

Daddy B. Nice replies:

Thank you so much for the feedback, Buz.

See Daddy B. Nice's FEATURED ARTISTS: "Country Stylin".

************* - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide
Or Information for Daddy B. Nice?

November 3, 2024:

Thank You Letter

Don't Forget Jus Epik & Money Waters Country Girl

Thank you for your new Country Stylin column with the featured four artists including my girl Cecily Wilborn. Nice to get a broader picture ---with more artists of what's happening Don't forget Jus Epik's & Money Waters' "Country Girl".


Daddy B. Nice replies:

That's right! Jus Epik was a precursor, a country vocal. Two years ago already! Would you believe that song now has 6.5 million views?

Val replies:

Very country tho I didn't think of it at the time.

See Daddy B. Nice's "Country Stylin" (four artists). - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

October 6, 2024:

Looking For A Song Letters:

I heard this on a radio mix, don't know the artist or title. It's slow with falsetto voice. "Going to rock with you, going to roll with you". I think the artist is older because he says "37 years later and we're still happy"


Daddy B. Nice replies:

I'm glad you put in that last remark about "37 years later," which gave it away for sure. That's R.T. Taylor, arguably the second most distinguished southern soul senior debut of the last decade after the late Bishop Bullwinkle. Taylor is most well known for his hit single "It's A Mule".

Listen to R.T. Taylor singing "Rock With You" on YouTube.

Buy R.T. Taylor music at Apple.


Dear Daddy,

Please help me with an artist name! "My name is condo, my name is diamonds, my name is big head hundreds, my name is clothes on my back" are some of the lyrics.


Daddy B. Nice replies:

I believe you're talking about Miz B who was actively recording around twenty years ago. The song has a great title: "My Name Is $$$".

Will replies:

That's it! Thank you!!

Will P.S.

Do you know where I can buy it?

Daddy B. Nice replies:

Buy Miz B's "My Name Is $$$" at Apple.


Hi Daddy B nice,

I need to find a song I just heard and love. The words are Take Me To The Country Where We Love Slow Living.


Daddy B. Nice replies

That's Cecily Wilborn's new single "Living For The Weekend". It's #2 on this month's Top 10 Singles.

************* - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide
Or Information for Daddy B. Nice?

Re: A Walter Waiters Sighting

Daddy B. Nice,

As an artist who has shaken your hand at a concert as well as an afternoon sound check I can assure people you’re not a “ghost”. After reading Walter Waiters accusing you of making all these “assumptions” about him I clicked the link to your article expecting some real “daddy be mean” stuff. All I found was you lifting him up in every conceivable way. Don’t let the haters get you down. What you do for southern soul day in day out is amazing. You have all my love and respect.

P.S. If you publish this please don’t use my name.
Name Withheld

Daddy B. Nice notes: I also want to acknowledge and thank readers who sent in letters of support they didn't wish published. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

September 15, 2024:

Re: Walter Waiters (A New Sighting)... Walter Waiters Return?? Lol.

Greeting Daddy B. Nice,

Just wanted to correct you on a write up someone sent me that you'd recently posted. I never stopped performing, recording and releasing music. Since moving to Vegas over 15 years ago, I've stayed away from you guys and focused on a fan base that could make factual assessments on me because they could actually be front and center and get it from a reliable source. I still tour and perform over the US..Yolanda Bumpers, I guess being unaware of my desire to stay away from THAT spotlight decided to send you that flyer to promote her show. I have also released numerous successful projects since the years you've looked at me ladt and all are searchable. I've been working consistently here in Vegas, LA, The Midwest and Gulfcoast. I decided years ago that my love for performing my music could not be defined by Southern Soul Ghosts that no one in the business has never made eye contact with or shaken hands with at a show. With all due respect sir, do your research before making statements about people. It's not a good look. A simple YouTube search or Amazon, Spotify, etc search would probably have changed the whole concept of your writeup. Can't comeback to something I never left. I was in my 20s when I put Don't scratch my back out. I am now in my 50s. BREAKING NEWS... In California this weekend, I will be awarded a Living Legend award. Not that it should mean anything to you or people like you, but it was what I set out to be 45 years ago.. No label, No management, no band...Just me. The only mistake I ever regret was the distribution deal which turned into a disaster with a person whose energy reminds me of yours. Being on a number on list of artists, means absolutely nothing to me at this stage of my life. I've made it in so many areas of what I set out for. So do some research before making assumptions on me, just as I researched you in the past. You are brilliant person, I was surprised by your location and what you did for an actual living that SS was even an interest for you. I just wish that you would do more research before boldly making assumptions about people you've never actually researched. Have a Great one Daddy B. Nice.


Read Daddy B. Nice's "Walter Waiters: A New Sighting!"

************* - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide
Or Information for Daddy B. Nice?

August 26, 2024:

Re: DJ-ing Labor Day Weekend BBQ in South Carolina

Pictured: King George

Hey, hope all is well.

I live in Florida but I'm from NY. I would really like to build a Southern Soul library. Your website seems to be the best source on the internet. I would like to know where I can purchase/download the music you have on the website. I am going to SC this Labor Day weekend and my peops want me to DJ at the BBQ. So I need to get at least 20 Southern Soul Songs.


Daddy B. Nice replies:

I've spent plenty of time in New York myself, Vincent, so I'd better get this to you in a New York (not a GenZ'er) minute. If you're going to South Carolina, you're going to have to be on your game. I just wrote a "News & Notes" column entitled "Top Southern Soul Audience: The Carolinas!" Your fellow BBQ'ers are going to love anything by King George, who's from Hopkins SC, and if you click the King George link it will take you to the page (the Artist Guide), where you will find direct links to buying the mp3's/albums in the right-hand column (Recommended Tracks). Use that same procedure for any artist you want to buy from.

You can find the artists in the Index to Artists or Comprehensive Index or---unless they have millions of fans---just googling the artist name followed by the keywords "southern soul artist" (one of my shortcuts). If you already know the artists you want and just want to work with one retailer, I'd recommend Apple Music. They have everybody in southern soul, and these days most of my buy-links go to Apple, which is more or less the monopoly of the moment. If you don't know the music you want, go to my website's "Top 10" pages or "Best Of (Year)" pages first, sample the YouTube links, then go to Apple for the songs you like. Hope this helps!

Vincent replies:

Thank you. It helps a great deal. I am definitely using your website as a point of reference and thank you for the advice. Most appreciated.

Blessings - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

August 23, 2024:

Looking For A Song Letter

To whom it may concern:

My name is Sarah R. The reason I am writing to you is I am hoping that you will be able to help me find these two CD's. The first one is by: King George, the song is: Lil Weight. The second one is by Chocolite Tye, the song is: H.A.T.E.R. I have try to find them on the Internet, but I haven't find them. I heard them when I was scrolling on my phone. I appreciate any help you can give me in finding these CD's.

Thank you!
Sarah R.

Daddy B. Nice replies:

Yes, I can help you with that, Sarah. You can buy the King George single at Apple Music at "Lil' Weight". You can buy the Chocolit Tye single at Apple Music at "H.A.T.E.R." I hadn't checked on George's "Lil' Weight" since last year. It now has over 12 million views on just one of its YouTube pages, so you're in good company.

Listen to King George singing "Lil' Weight" on YouTube.

************* - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide
Or Information for Daddy B. Nice?

UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

************** - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

Comments, information or questions for Daddy B. Nice?
Write to:

February 6, 2025:

Thank You Letter Re: Top 10 Singles:


Hello this is Teeza. I want to say thank you so much for what you always do and the recognition. Also want to say my song If you love southern soul is on YouTube. The title is really” If you love southern soul. “. That was a small blunder on my part. Once again thank you much !

Listen to Teeza singing "If You Love Southern Soul" on YouTube.

Daddy B. Nice replies:

Still can’t find it. Can you send me the link?...Oh, you previously sent it. Thank you.

See #7 Single in Daddy B. Nice's Top 10 Singles for February 2025: "If You Love Southern Soul" by Teeza.

Teeza replies: Yessir and thank you again - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

Concert Calendar
7:30 pm, Wednesday, February 12, 2025. St. James Live, 3220 Butner Road, #240, Atlanta, Georgia. DJ Verge Presents Southern Soul Wednesdays. Jeter Jones & The Perfect Blend Band. Doors open 6:30 pm. Host: Carlin Taylor. Tickets.

7:30 pm, Thursday, February 13, 2025. Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center, 1935 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Redondo Beach, California. Pre-Valentine Day Southern Soul & Blues Extravaganza. Latimore, Roy Jones Jr., T.K. Soul, Jeter Jones, Coldrank, Frank Johnson, Tonio Armani. Doors open 7 pm. Host: LaMarr Deuce Lubin. 323-849-9577. Tickets.

Friday, February 14, 2025. Building 505, 505 Bay Shore Ave., Mobile, Alabama. Pre-Mardi Gras Bash. Magic One, Mr. Smoke, Summer Wolfe, Rich Wright, Mz. Hollywood. Doors open 7 pm. 850-760-4190, 470-577-5234. BLD 505: 251- 545-8550.

8 pm, Friday, February 14, 2025. Bojangles Coliseum, 2700 East Independence Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina. The 7th Annual Queen City Blues Festival. Blues Is Alright Tour. King George, West Love, J-Wonn, Pokey Bear, Tucka, Lacee. Doors open 7 pm. Tickets.

7 pm, Friday, February 14, 2025. Trotter Convention Center, 402 2nd Avenue North, Columbus, Mississippi. Valentine's Day Ball. Marcellus The Singer, J'Cenae. Doors open 6 pm. 404-617-9423. Tickets.

7:45 pm, Friday, February 14, 2025. Fitz Casino Tunica, 711 Lucky Lane, Tunica Resorts, Mississippi. The Chocolate Factory II: Valentine's Concert. FPJ, Young Guy, Squirt Kelly. Doors open 7 pm. 662-671-1230. Tickets. DBN notes: SOLD OUT!

7 pm, Saturday, February 15, 2024. Savannah Civic Center--Johnny Mercer Theatre, 301 West Oglethorpe Avenue, Savannah, Georgia. The 10th Annual Savannah Blues Festival. Pokey Bear, Ronnie Bell, Mike Clark Jr. West Love, J-Wonn, Tucka, King George. Tickets.

9 pm, Saturday, February 15, 2025. Filipino Community Center, 234 West Oakfield Road, Pensacola, Florida. Valentines Show. Lacee, Big Yayo, Ciddy Boi P, Stacii Adams, Sky Whatley. Doors open 6 pm. Host: Ms. Mary. 850-206-9585. Filipino Comm. Center: 850-791-6829.

Saturday, February 15, 2025. Exclusive Entertainment Venue, 620 South Wilkinson St., Milledgeville, Georgia. All Black Affair. Myia B., Nephew Jones, Mr. Burden, Keith Luv, N'Dia. Hosts: Angel Faye Russell, D Boy. 478-456-9686. Doors open 9 pm. Advance tickets at Ms. Stella's Home Cooking, Milledgeville.

8 pm, Saturday, February 15, 2025. Shreveport Municipal Memorial Auditorium, 705 Elvis Presley Blvd., Shreveport, Louisiana. Valentine Day Zydeco and Southern Soul Show Down. P2K DaDiddy, L.J. Echols, Urban Mystic, Lil' Nathan & The Zydeco Big Timers, Lady Q. Doors open 7 pm. 318-841-4196. Tickets.

10 pm, Saturday, February 15, 2025. Elks Club, 802 1st St., Brookhaven, Mississippi. A Valentines Southern Soul Party. Vick Allen, Terry Wright, Bridget Shield. Doors open 8 pm. BYOB. 601-757-1040.

Saturday, February 15, 2025. Slim's Last Call, 1100 Gattis School Road, Round Rock, Texas. The Day After Valentine's Day: Crazy About You Tour. Pastor Derek "The Change Man" Smith and more. 512-669-1899.

6 pm, Sunday, February 16, 2025. Bell Auditorium, 712 Telfair St., Augusta, Georgia. 10th Annual Augusta Blues Festival: The Blues Is Alright Tour. Theodis Ealey, Tucka, West Love, J-Wonn, King George, Pokey Bear. Doors open 5 pm. Tickets.

6:30 pm, Sunday, February 16, 2026. Nostalgia Lounge, 20 Broadacres Drive, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Slow Roll It Sundays. T.K. Soul. Text 601-336-0022. Tickets.

Friday, February 21, 2025. Grown Folks Entertainment, 695 Orleans, Beaumont, Texas. Magic One. 832-560-0277, 409-813-8144.

8 pm, Friday, February 21, 2025. Martin Marietta Center for the Performing Arts, 2 E. South St., Raleigh, North Carolina. The 13th Annual Raleigh Blues Festival. Blues Is Alright Tour. Tucka, King George, West Love, J-Wonn, Pokey Bear, Lenny Williams. Tickets.

7 pm, Saturday, February 22, 2025. DAR Constitution Hall, 18th & C Streets N.W., Washington, DC. The 6th Annual Capital City Blues Festival. J-Wonn, King George, West Love, Tucka, Pokey Bear, Lenny Williams. Tickets.

7 pm, Saturday, February 22, 2025. Wild Country Offroad, 17421 Mississippi Hwy #63, Leakesville, Mississippi. Leakesville Southern Soul Affair. Arthur Young, Uncle Daddy, Jammie Evans. Doors open 6 pm. Tickets.

9 pm, Saturday, February 22, 2025. The Marianna Civic Center, 593 Highway 243, Marianna, Arkansas. Cecily Wilborn's Birthday Bash. Cecily Wilborn, Young Guy, Bre Wooten, Charmeka Jaquelle, Mike Clark Jr., Squirt Kelly, Memphis MAC, Anthony Q. Doors open 8 pm. Host: Jeter Jones. Tickets.

7 pm, Thursday, February 27, 2025. Robinson Center, 426 West Markham, Little Rock, Arkansas. Southern Soul Rising Stars. Marcellus The Singer, FPJ, 803Fresh, Fat Daddy. 501-244-8800. Tickets.

8 pm, Friday, February 28, 2025. Empire Control Room & Garage, 606 E. 7th Street, Austin, Texas. FPJ, Marcellus The Singer. Tickets.

8 pm, Friday, February 28, 2025. Von Braun Center--Propst Arena. 700 Monroe Street SW, Huntsville, Alabama. The 2nd Annual Rocket City Blues Festival. King George, West Love, Ronnie Bell, Tucka, Pokey Bear, J-Wonn. Tickets.

Saturday, March 1, 2025. 84 Recreational ATV & RV Park, 3 Herrington Lane, Prentiss, Mississippi. Big Yayo's Big Ride. Big Yayo, J'Cenae, Arthur Young, Coldrank & more. 769-203-9252.

7 pm, Saturday, March 1, 2025. Texas Trust CU Theatre, 1001 Texas Trust Way, Grand Prairie, Texas (Dallas). Dallas Blues Festival (Blues Is Alright Tour). Glenn Jones, King George, Tucka, West Love, Pokey Bear, J-Wonn. Tickets.

Saturday, March 1, 2025. Fat Daddy's Grub House, 4228 Asland City Highway, Nashville, Tennessee. First Saturdays. Summer Wolfe. 629-800-9778.

8 pm, Saturday, March 1, 2025. The Kandi Factory, 1203 N. Jackson St., Crystal Springs, Mississippi. Silk, Satin & Soul Pisces Birthday Bash. Derek "The Change Man" Smith, Mr. Smoke & Smoke Band, Stefanie Luckett, Niecy LaShae, Mista Kayne and more. Doors open 7 pm. 813-649-7977. Tickets.

8:30 pm, Saturday, March 1, 2025. Studio 210, 10319 Perrin Beitel, San Antonio, Texas. An Evening With L.J. Echols. L.J. Echols, Tiffany Rachal, Sunshine The Singer and more. Doors open 7:30 pm. 512-589-5973.

4 pm, Sunday, March 2, 2025. The Civic Center, 136 River St., Petersburg, Virginia. The Southern Soul Explosion. Frank Johnson, Badd Newz, Poka Jones and more. Host: WCTB's Annie B. Doors open 3 pm. 804-721-8949.

7:30 pm, Friday, March 7, 2025. Atrium Health Amphitheater, 3657 Eisenhower Parkway, Macon, Georgia. A Night of R&B & Southern Soul. Mike Clark Jr., Charlie Wilson, Dru Hill. Rain or Shine. Tickets.

8 pm, Friday, March 7, 2025. Addition Financial Arena, 12777 Gemini Blvd., Orlando, Florida. The Blues Is Alright Tour. King George, Tucka, Pokey Bear, West Love, Lenny Williams, J-Wonn. Tickets.

8 pm, Friday, March 7, 2025. Vicksburg City Auditorium, 901 Monroe St., Vicksburg, Mississippi. 19th Annual First Friday. L.J. Echols, Marcellus The Singer, Simply Wayne, Terrell Moses & Hot Ice. BYOB. Doors open 7 pm. Local ticket outlets. 601-955-4894.

9 pm, Sunday, March 8, 2024. The Table, 3250 Elvis Presley Blvd., Memphis Tennessee. Black & Silver Big Birthday Bash. Dee Dee Simon, Rodnae Da Boss and more. Host: Lady Coco. Doors open 8 pm. BYOB (Serving beer and wine.) 901-468-6792. 832-949-7349.

6 pm, Sunday, March 9, 2025. Hard Rock Live, 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood, Florida. The 2nd Annual Magic City Blues Festival. Blues Is Alright Tour. Tucka, Pokey Bear, King George, Lenny Williams, West Love, J-Wonn. Doors open 5 pm. Tickets.

8 pm, Friday, March 14, 2025. Paramount Theatre, 2025 Broadway, Oakland, California. The Blues Is Alright Tour. Lenny Williams, King George, West Love, Pokey Bear, J-Wonn, Tucka. Doors open 7 pm. Tickets.

8 pm, Saturday, March 15, 2025. TruSoul, 1597 N.C. #56, Creedmoor, North Carolina. Simply White With Simply Wayne. Simply Wayne, Nellie "Tiger" Travis and more. Doors open 8 pm. Host: WCTB's Annie B. 904-533-5812. Tickets.

7 pm, Saturday, March 15, 2025. Peacock Theatre, 777 Chick Hearn Court, Los Angeles, California. Blues Is Alright Tour. King George, Tucka, Pokey Bear, West Love, Lenny Williams. Tickets.

Saturday, March 15, 2025. Knockout Sports Bar, 6730 Fossil Bluff Drive, 6730 Fossil Bluff Drive, Fort Worth, Texas. Fat Daddy's March Madness Birthday Bash. Fat Daddy, Sir Charles Jones, Young Guy, Cecily Wilborn, Sunshine The Singer, Mr. Lyve. Doors open 6 pm. Tickets.

8 pm, Friday, March 21, 2025. Cafe 35', 4521 35th Ave., Suite B, Meridian, Mississippi. Sexy Ain't Got No Age: Ms. Evelyn's Birthday Celebration. Magic One. Doors open 8 pm. 601-479-4557.

7 pm, Saturday, March 22, 2025. Arie Crown Theater, 2301 Lake Shore Drive At McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois. The 19th Annual Chi-Town Blues Festival: Blues Is Alright Tour. Theodis Ealey, Ronnie Bell, King George, Tucka, West Love, Pokey Bear. Doors open 6 pm. Tickets.

8 pm, Friday, March 28, 2025. Chaifetz Arena, 1 South Compton Ave., Saint Louis, Missouri. The 17th Annual Gateway Blues Festival: The Blues Is Alright Tour. King George, J-Wonn, Pokey Bear, Tucka, West Love, Lenny Williams. Doors open 7 pm. Tickets.

7 pm, Saturday, March 29, 2025. Fox Theatre, 2211 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Michigan. The 17th Annual Motor City Blues Festival: The Blues Is Alright Tour. Ronnie Bell, King George, Tucka, West Love, Pokey Bear, J-Wonn. Tickets.

6 pm, Sunday, April 6, 2025. Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre, 2800 Cobb Galleria Parkway, Atlanta, Georgia. The 19th Annual ATL Blues Festival. Blues Is Alright Tour. West Love, Tucka, King George, J-Wonn, Pokey Bear, Theodis Ealey. Doors open 4:30 pm. Tickets.

8 pm, Friday, April 11, 2025. Macon Coliseum, 200 Coliseum Drive, Macon, Georgia. The 7th Annual Macon Blues Festival. Blues Is Alright Tour. Pokey Bear, Tucka, King George, West Love, J-Wonn, Marcellus The Singer. Tickets.

7 pm, Saturday, April 12, 2025. Cadence Bank Arena, 375 East Main Street, Tupelo, Mississippi.
The Blues Is Alright Tour. Marcellus The Singer, King George, Pokey Bear, Tucka, J-Wonn, FPJ, West Love. Tickets.

7 pm, Sunday, April 13, 2025. San Antonio Shrine Auditorium, 901 North Loop 1604 W., San Antonio, Texas. Marcellus The Singer. 210-496-6334. Tickets.

8 pm, Friday, April 18, 2025. NRG Arena, One NRG Park, Houston, Texas. The 17th Annual H-Town Blues Festival. Blues Is Alright Tour. T.K. Soul, King George, Tucka, Pokey Bear, West Love, J-Wonn. Tickets.

8:30 pm, Saturday, April 19, 2025. Focus Hope Center, 1400 Oakman Blvd., Detroit, Michigan. Pre-Easter Show: Southern Soul Escape Tour. Stacii Adams, Sky Whatley, Big Yayo, Lacee. Doors open 5 pm. BYOB. 850-206-9585.

8 pm, Friday, April 25, 2025. Brookshire Grocery Arena, 2000 Brookshire Arena Drive, Bossier City, Louisiana. The 17th Annual Shreveport Blues Festival. Marcellus The Singer, Tucka, J-Wonn, King George, Pokey Bear, T.K. Soul, West Love. Doors open 7 pm. Tickets.

7 pm, Saturday, April 26, 2025. UNO Lakefront Arena, 6801 Franklin Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana. The 17th Annual Big Easy Blues Festival. The Blues Is Alright Tour. Ronnie Bell, King George, West Love, Tucka, Pokey Bear, J-Wonn. Doors open 6 pm. Tickets.

5 pm, Saturday, May 3, 2005. Union County Fairgrounds, 1432 E. 19th St., El Dorado, Arkansas. 24th Annual South Arkansas Soul Fest. Bigg Robb, Young Guy, Avail Hollywood, Magic One, Terry Wright, Crystal Thomas, Kiko Pryor, West Dawn, J-Swagg, Nick Markeith and more. Gates open 3 pm. 870-866-7441. Tickets.


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