"Must Be Jelly"
Fred Bolton
Listen to Fred Bolton singing "Must Be Jelly" on MySpace while you read.
Fred Bolton (1968-2009)
Frederick Bolton was born in Talladega, Alabama, the son of a preacher with a family gospel group called The Boltonettes. He was singing in Alabama-based gospel groups when he was discovered by William Bell and signed to a contract with Wilbe Records.
His solo debut, I'm Gonna Git Mine came out in 2007 and was well-received. Songs like "Must Be Jelly," "The Shadow Knows," and "I'm Gonna Git' Mine" gained Stations of the Deep South airplay.
"Must Be Jelly" and its Remix have become the closest to being a "signature" song.
...And yet, none of the songs on his debut CD gave a hint of the authority and mastery Bolton put into his more mature vocal on "Sho' Wasn't Me." It was as if, in emulating Ronnie Lovejoy's cathedral baritone, Bolton himself found his own true voice and purest expression.
(from Daddy B. Nice's Black Zack Artist Guide)
Listen to Fred Bolton and Black Zack singing "Sho' Wasn't Me" on YouTube.
Listen to Fred Bolton singing "Must Be Jelly" on Fred Bolton Myspace.
Listen to Black Zack & Fred Bolton singing "Sho' Wasn't Me" on YouTube.
Listen to Fred Bolton and Black Zack singing "Southern Soul Lover" on YouTube.
Sample/Buy Black Zack's "Sho' Wasn't Me" featuring Fred Bolton mp3 at Amazon.
Sample/Buy Fred Bolton's "Must Be Jelly (Remix)" at Amazon.
Sample/Buy Fred Bolton's music on iTunes.
Read Heikki Suosalo's review/interview of Fred Bolton's "I'm Gonna Git Mine" CD at Soul Express.
Sample/Buy Fred Bolton's gospel album "Looks Can Be Deceiving" at ReverbNation.
Read a biography and an interview with Fred Bolton with background music from his "A Change Is Gonna Come Medley" at Soul Treasures.
Sample/Buy Fred Bolton's "I'm Gonna Git Mine" CD at Amazon.
Read Daddy B. Nice's tribute to Fred Bolton in the Black Zack Artist Guide.
Listen to Fred Bolton songs on Fred Bolton's MySpace page.
Listen to Black Zack and Fred Bolton singing "Southern Soul Lover" on YouTube.
To automatically link to all the citations, awards and references to Fred Bolton on the website, go to Daddy B. Nice's Comprehensive Index.
--Daddy B. Nice
Honorary "B" Side
"Sho' Wasn't Me / Black Zack feat. Fred Bolton"
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