Daddy B. Nice's

Artist Guide

Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
#11 ranked Southern Soul Artist

Portrait of Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!) by Daddy B. Nice

"Mississippi Woman"

Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)

Composed by Floyd Hamberlin

March 13, 2021: Reprinted from Daddy B. Nice's Mailbag.

Denise LaSalle ALWAYS THE QUEEN Correction

Greetings –

I hope you are well and safe!

It turns out that Ms. LaSalle misidentified the name of the club she was performing in, as shown in the photo on pg. 134 of Always the Queen. She remembered it as the High Chaparral; it was actually the Burning Spear at 5521 South State Street in Chicago, which was owned by WVON DJs E. Rodney Jones and Pervis Spann. It’s the same club where Jones presented her with her Gold Record for “Trapped By A Thing Called Love” – that photo is also on pg. 134.

The correction has already been made in the e-book version of the autobiography, and if there are any reprintings of the physical book, it will be there, too. Nonetheless, I want to get the word out as much as possible; it really means a lot to me to clarify this, because I’m sure it was simply an honest mistake / slip of the tongue on her part. She was no longer around for me to run the final draft by her so there was no opportunity for her to correct it, which I'm sure she would have done.

Can you please run this correction on your page? It would mean a lot to me, and to her memory.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support.

David Whiteis

Daddy B. Nice notes:

Buy David Whiteis's autobiography of Denise LaSalle at University of Illinois Press.


April 1, 2020: Daddy B. Nice Book Review

Denise LaSalle (w/ David Whiteis): The New Posthumous Autobiography!

Reading Always the Queen
The Denise LaSalle Story
is like eating candy. LaSalle's journey from growing up in Jim Crow-era Belzoni, Mississippi to early-seventies Gold Record recording artist (for "Trapped By A Thing Called Love") to, a generation later, reigning queen of 21st-Century southern-soul divas is told in the vernacular, as direct and zesty as one of LaSalle's sexually-explicit, chitlin'-circuit anthems. As such, it also marks a high point in the publishing career of David Whiteis, who forgoes the weighty analysis of his last book, the genre-defining Southern Soul Blues, to bury himself (and most of the critical kudos) in LaSalle's riveting, street-wise, tell-all voice.

LaSalle was no china doll. When Billy Emerson, her first man-slash-manager on the Chicago R&B circuit in the early sixties, beat her up badly near the end of their relationship, LaSalle kicked him out. When he returned to get his belongings, Emerson had a friend bang on Denise's locked storm door. When she answered, she saw Billy and told him to wait.

By then I had bought a pistol from a lady across the street. I went back in and grabbed that pistol. When I got back to the door, he saw it, turned around, started running. So I opened the door and shot up in the air--POW! POW!--behind him. He was gone. And he never did get his stuff back.

Later, in Memphis, she hooked up with a high-roller named Nate Johnson who had a habit of leaving for Atlanta or other cities for a few days at a time and returning with what he said were gambling earnings. He turned out to be a bank-robber and achieved even greater notoriety for a time as the alleged killer of famed Stax and Hi musician Al Jackson.

Yeah, it was kind of dangerous, Denise remarks, but I didn't care. You have to remember. I was still pretty young, and Nate was coming in with two and three thousand dollars stuck up in the glove compartment of his car, giving me half of it.

Indeed, what comes through most vividly in LaSalle's accounts of musicians and night life in Chicago, Memphis, Detroit and other cities is how these entertainers--both those who had "made it" and those who had not--lived like sly aristocrats amidst racism, poverty and violence. No one needed to reinforce their sense of worth in spite of the barriers put up by the society surrounding them. They had moxie in spades, and Denise as much or more than anyone.

Chicago in particular was a teeming hotbed of talent and showmanship, and LaSalle's journey took her everywhere, touching virtually everyone who would become legendary either nationally or on what would become the contemporary southern soul circuit: Bobby Rush, Tyrone ("The Wonder Boy" in those days) Davis, Johnnie Taylor, Cicero Blake, Gene ("Duke of Earl") Chandler, McKinley ("The End Of The Rainbow") Mitchell, Dee ("Raindrops") Clark, Lonnie Brooks, Major ("Um, Um, Um, Um, Um") Lance, writer Floyd Hamberlin, Etta James, Koko Taylor, Syl ("Is It Because I'm Black?") Johnson and his brother Jimmie Johnson, Otis Rush, Joe Simon, even the pre-teen, pre-famous Michael Jackson.

In fact, one of the most charming and affecting motifs of the autobiography is Denise's frank and feminine takes on the sexual appeal of the many artists she worked with.

Part of McKinley's (Mitchell's) appeal to me was that he was pretty. I'm just being honest and saying the truth!...Oooh. When he was young? That was a pretty boy. But then as he got older, he got fatter and didn't look as good anymore. But he was pretty 'til then. And Dee Clark? Oooh, yeah. He was cute, too.

Later in the book, she says about Latimore:

I love him from the bottom of my heart, and in fact, I'll admit it: I probably liked him enough to break my rule about not having an affair or anything like that with an entertainer. Oooh, I lusted after that man. But never would I go that route with him, and what I like bout Lat is that Lat's so cool. Throw hints, throw hints, but we'd laugh them off.

As LaSalle matured she returned to the South, recording in Memphis, Jackson and even Muscle Shoals over a remarkable run of decades, along the way mingling with an even wider array of musical celebrities: Bobby "Blue" Bland, Z.Z. Hill, Don Bryant, Ann Peebles, Shirley Brown, Millie Jackson, Little Milton, Bill Coday, not to mention writer/producers Harrison Calloway, Frederick Knight and George Jackson. Contemporary Southern Soul fans and readers will want to skip ahead to the contemporary era for Denise's backstage gossip on all of them--including Sir Charles Jones--then double back (as I did), to read the whole book. LaSalle is refreshingly frank but never mean-spirited, and what shines through reads like the truth.

About Z.Z. Hill, she notes:

Z.Z., by the way, also became a good friend of mine. One of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet. Good performer too. But he was strange. He didn't clown like the other guys on stage. He'd walk up there, get the microphone, just stand there and rock back and forth, just rockin' in rhythm. Some people used to kind of laugh at him, but it wasn't a laughing matter. He was just a little different, that's all it was.

And about Bobby Rush:

Bobby Rush takes gigs where nobody else could go...Not many of us can do equally well with the black and white audiences, but Bobby can do it, and I think it's great.

Along the way we find out that LaSalle signed with Malaco Records right after Z.Z. Hill in the mid-eighties and brought Johnnie Taylor to the label. We get the real story behind LaSalle's surprisingly fortuitous recording of the zydeco novelty hit "My Toot Toot," arguably her most popular legacy-tune. Throughout, LaSalle shines the same incandescent lamp of "no bullshit" upon herself that she directs toward others.

In describing how she constructed her stage act ("I'd go into a little spoken-word thing mixed up with the verses...then I'd be sashaying around, playing with all the guys, sitting on their laps") in her early years in Chicago, Denise gives this no-nonsense comparison to Aretha Franklin:

Aretha could take a phrase and build these incredible vocal ad libs around it. But every time I'd try to sing with the power she had when she sang, I fell flat on my face... I couldn't sing it like she could, so I just dropped down to saying it. It wasn't written down; it was just coming off my head, and I got to be really good at that... When I found out it worked, I kept it in my act. Same thing with my monologues on my records later on.

When, in the course of my southern travels in the late nineties, I first stumbled upon what was to your Daddy B. Nice a new and better kind of black music, there were three divas ruling the then murky and mysterious (pre-Internet-presence) chitlin' circuit: Peggy Scott-Adams, Shirley Brown and Denise LaSalle. (With honorable mention to Barbara Carr, Lynn White and Keisa Brown.) And the underground "southern soul" scene--a tentative term at the time--was so chaotic, dispersed and disjointed that even these three divas didn't really understand what was going on. (See Daddy B. Nice's interview with Peggy Scott-Adams.)

Peggy Scott-Adams was the artist who absolutely slayed me--the woman who more than any other made me forage for more, more and more southern soul. At one time I had her ranked even above Johnnie Taylor on the first Top 100 Southern Soul chart. But this was because she had a southern-soul genius and genre pioneer, the late Jimmy Lewis backing her, writing and producing her material, as Peggy is the first to admit.

Shirley Brown was second in the hierarchy. Like Denise (and to a lesser extent, Peggy), she had scored a gold record in her youth ("Woman To Woman"), and of the three Shirley was the most gifted, boasting a phenomenal set of pipes and incredible range and clarity. And yet, of the three musical "mothers" of the modern genre, Denise LaSalle was the most durable and accessible, playing the consistent and long-lived Rolling Stones to the Beatles-like brilliance and flame-out of Scott-Adams and Brown. (And, ironically, she is the only one of the trio who has passed.)

LaSalle was around, year after year, gigging and recording, meeting and greeting, mingling and singing with new and unfamiliar entertainers. Sheba Potts-Wright began her career as Denise's back-up singer, as did Karen Wolfe. Denise accepted invitations to perform or record with artists in what she called the "modern" southern soul style, even those as exotic and seemingly ill-fitted as the techno-funky Bigg Robb.

Listen to Bigg Robb and Denise LaSalle singing "Blues And BBQ" on YouTube.

The collaboration became successful beyond expectations (2 million-plus YouTube views) chiefly because of the two singers' mutual voice-over skills, Bigg Robb being a master of the audience-loving "ad lib" LaSalle explains with such loving detail in this autobiography.

Clashing styles and labels are a recurring motif in LaSalle's long career. Classified by the industry as "R&B" in her younger years, she was encouraged to record as a "blues" singer in her later years. LaSalle alternately rebelled and compromised, and knowledgeable southern soul readers will delight in her thoughts on the "blues," specifically the chasm between what "white folks" call the blues and "black folks" call the blues.

I never will forget. Wolfe (her husband and manager) brought a show to Jackson one time; I think it was at the Fairgrounds. And I guess he was trying to attract a white audience, because he brought in this old guy from Leland, Mississippi, playing some "Dump-da-dump-da-dump" shit on an old guitar. Boy, I stood out there and listened to him. I wouldn't have paid him fifty dollars to do a show for me. But those white folks were out there fallin' out, jumpin', and jammin', just going crazy over him, while all of us black folk were standing around saying, "What the hell is this?"

It kind of stunned me, how that could be. But that's the way it was. I always felt like a lot of white folks still love to see us lookin' like country slave niggers, anyway. We came here as slaves, and "slave" was where they wanted to keep us, okay?"

And LaSalle continues:

Even Bobby Rush. He'll go and sit down with them white folks, playing solo guitar, wearing some overalls and a hat. How much money you think Bobby could make sitting in a club, playing that guitar and that harmonica, for black folk? Black folk want musicians! They don't want no one-man band. They'd walk out on his ass in a minute!


Bobby’s show when he plays for a black audience is not the same as when he plays some of those sit-down gigs for the white folks. Honey, Bobby’s raunchy when he’s with us! Bobby be turnin’ it out with them nasty girls up there. They’ll be up there dancing, all the men looking real hard at ’em, and Bobby just say, 'You can look, but you can’t have nothin’ up here on this stage! Your eyes may shine, your teeth may grit, but ain’t shit up here you gon’ git!'

And there you have the difference between what white folks call the blues and black folk call the blues.

Now Bobby knows what he’s doing. He’s keeping his gig, and no matter how he does it, it’s always the real Bobby Rush, just a different side of him. He won’t bow, and he won’t shuffle. And there’s nothing wrong with that, either. I don’t mind it. I don’t mind it because when he does that, we’re singing two different kinds of blues. I do not sing Muddy Waters-style blues. I do not sing Koko-style blues.

LaSalle sums up her life with similar mettle, humor and candor. After noting a couple of things she might have changed, she says:

But I like who I am, and I like the way I am. I'm a rounded performer, whereas a lot of other people aren't. You talk about songwriter, artist, producer, manager--I'm all of those things...I've done it all.

And also, people might find this hard to believe, but I never really cared about becoming a superstar, making it that big. I'm happy doing the work. I like what I do. I've enjoyed it.

--Daddy B. Nice

Buy Always the Queen
The Denise LaSalle Story.

********* - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

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Note: Denise LaSalle also appears on Daddy B. Nice's original Top 100 Southern Soul Artists (90's-00's). The "21st Century" after Denise LaSalle's name in the headline is to distinguish her artist-guide entries on this page from her artist-guide page on Daddy B. Nice's original chart.
Scroll down to "Tidbits" for the latest updates on Denise LaSalle. To automatically link to Denise LaSalle's charted radio singles, awards, CD's and many other references on the website, go to "LaSalle, Denise" in Daddy B. Nice's Comprehensive Index.
*********** - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

January 13, 2018: Denise LaSalle Update!

Due to inclement weather, the services (below) have been postponed until Monday, January 15th. The funeral will be held at 11 am in Englewood Baptist Church, 2239 N. Highland Ave., in Jackson, TN.. Visitation 9-11 am.

January 9, 2018:

Funeral Services:

Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 11:00 AM at Liberty Technology High School Auditorium
3470 Ridgecrest Road Ext.
Jackson, TN

Visitation will be from 9:00 - 11:00 AM on Saturday morning at Liberty Technology High School Auditorium

Funeral Home in Charge:
Wolfe Brothers Funeral Home
128 South 7th Street
West Memphis, AR

See "Southern Soul Blues" author David Whiteis' letter in Daddy B. Nice's Mailbag!


October 17, 2017:

Denise LaSalle has recently undergone a leg amputation at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville...

Denise LaSalle recently underwent a leg amputation at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, where she was transfered from a hospital in her hometown of Jackson, Tennessee, according to a news release by family spokesman Howard Rambsy. LaSalle's right leg had to be amputated to prevent further medical complications.

Ms. LaSalle she would like for her fans and musical community to know that she has undergone her surgery and emerged "still trapped by the wonderful thing called love, and as long as there is love, the love that she has for her fans and the love that they have for her, the future will remain a bright and worthy destination.”

Only last year (2016), LaSalle underwent triple bypass surgery. (Scroll down to "Tidbits #4" below).

--Daddy B. Nice

See news story in the "Jackson (Tennessee) Sun". - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide


Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Mississippi Woman" on YouTube while you read.

April 27, 2013:

Daddy B. Nice's Profile:

If you live long enough, and you're successful enough, and the "past lifetimes" just keep piling up--one on top of another--you have an idea of the present-day career of the indomitable Denise LaSalle, who (along with Shirley Brown) has become the foremost interpreter of Southern Soul music in the contemporary era.

The irony is that choosing among and negotiating scintillating covers of contemporary hits such as Will T's "Mississippi Boy" or Pat Cooley's "Older Woman" was the least of Denise's many head-turning strengths in her younger days, when she made her name as a songwriter, then as a song-writing performer.

These days--and many "lifetimes" and CD's later--LaSalle's most memorable self-written performances tend to be career-capsulizing anthems such as I'm Still The Queen," and even "Still The Queen" was a vehicle written for LaSalle primarily by John Ward and Raymond Moore.

LaSalle always had a great voice, but in the 21st century her vocals have become even more significant, with the dues of experience adding another, shadow-lengthening dimension. Her songs are infused with her stature in the R&B community, audibly loose and bedrock-confident. Denise LaSalle really still is the "Queen."

And, much earthier than Shirley Brown, and often labelled a modern-day Bessie Smith, the ornery LaSalle isn't afraid to sing or say anything with an imagination and mouth as foul as Millie Jackson's. But the bracing shock and laughter quotient are accompanied on the listener's part by an admiration for the ease and fluidity of LaSalle's thought process, and the casual and charismatic tone and timbre of her one-of-a-kind voice.

The entire package generates a dump truck's-worth of charm. In concert performances LaSalle radiates this accomplished personality through a mix of vocal sophistication and bawdy war-of-the-sexes themes, all delivered with Ella Fitzgerald-graciousness and Duke Ellington-elegance.

--Daddy B. Nice

About Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)

Denise LaSalle (born Ora Denise Allen in 1939) was raised in Belzoni, Mississippi. Well-versed in gospel music as a child, she also picked up secular musical influences from early R&B, Grand Ole Opry, and local juke joint music. In her twenties she moved north to Chicago and pursued a songwriting career. A Chess Records executive, Billy "The Kid" Emerson, met LaSalle while she was working as a bar maid, and this gradually led her into recording and performing.

LaSalle's first hit record was 1971's "Trapped By A Thing Called Love" (Westbound Records), which crossed over to the pop charts and went gold. The follow-up, "Now Run Tell That," was a million-seller on the R&B charts. LaSalle moved to ABC Records and recorded three solid albums in the late seventies before ABC was bought out by MCA, and MCA dropped her in the eighties as, nationwide, R&B declined in popularity.

Malaco Records of Jackson, Mississippi was just beginning to fill the vacuum, however, with artists such as Z.Z. Hill and Johnnie Taylor, and a LaSalle songwriting assignment for Hill led to a recording career that no one could have anticipated, beginning early on (1985) with LaSalle's signature zydeco track and concert favorite, "Don't Mess With My Tu Tu" (which LaSalle later changed to "My Toot Toot").

From the mid-eighties through the mid-nineties, LaSalle recorded ten Southern Soul albums as one of Malaco Record's flagship artists, notching popular Dixie-radio singles like "Don't Cry No More," "Your Husband Is Cheating On Us," "It Be's That Way Sometimes," "I Was Not The Best Woman," "Drop That Zero," "Long Dong Silver" and "Blues Party Tonight."

The turn of the century saw LaSalle leave Malaco for a couple of independent CD's and a gospel project before inking a contract in 2002 with Memphis's Ecko Records, whose owner John Ward was a Malaco alumnus. The change of venue seemed to reinvigorate LaSalle.

Interest in the genre had grown, and she put out a higher-profile series of albums between 2002 and 2007: Still The Queen, Wanted, & Pay Before You Pump--tallying popular Southern Soul and Blues singles like "It's Going Down," "What Kind Of Man Is This," "Snap, Crackle & Pop," "The Thrill Is On Again," "You Should Have Kept It In The Bedroom" and "The Love You Threw Away" in addition to the three album title tunes.

The record that made the biggest impact, however, was "Mississippi Woman," LaSalle's gender-switching version of Will T.'s "Mississippi Boy," (which had already been covered once by Charles Wilson). LaSalle's "Mississippi Woman," with a souped up, electric-blues arrangement by John Ward, surpassed them all and became a big hit, so much so that Malaco invited LaSalle back for a similar stab at success with 2010's 24 Hour Woman.

"Older Woman (Looking For A Younger Man," a cover of the already popular Pat Cooley single of the same name, was the feature song of the set, combining one of LaSalle's most far-ranging and masterful vocals with an hilariously honest and ribald voice-over about men and women.

However, the label decided to feature "Cheat Receipt," a cover of a Toni Green Southern Soul song, as the primary single from the album. By the time LaSalle's "Older Woman" was released as a single, the buzz had seemingly passed the album by and "Older Woman," LaSalle's last major single (as of this writing) and finest work since "Mississippi Woman" is now rarely heard on Southern Soul radio and has no YouTube offering.

April 12, 2015... Daddy B. Nice notes: "Older Woman" is now on YouTube!

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Older Woman" on YouTube.

Denise LaSalle Discography:

1972 Trapped By a Thing Called Love (Westbound)

1973 On the Loose (Westbound)

1975 Here I Am Again (Westbound)

1976 Second Breath (ABC)

1977 The Bitch Is Bad (ABC)

1979 Under the Influence (ABC)

1979 Unwrapped (MCA)

1980 I'm So Hot (MCA)

1981 And Satisfaction Guaranteed (MCA)

1983 Lady In The Street (Malaco)

1984 Right Place, Right Time (Malaco)

1985 Love Talkin' (Malaco)

1986 Rain & Fire (Malaco)

1987 It's Lying Time Again (Malaco)

1988 Hittin' Where It Hurts (Malaco)

1990 Still Trapped (Malaco)

1990 Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? (Universal)

1992 Love Me Right (Malaco)

1994 Still Bad (Malaco)

1996 Before You Take It to the Streets (Ichiban)

1997 Smokin' in Bed (Malaco)

1999 Trapped (601 Music)

1999 God's Got My Back (Angel In The Mist)

2000 This Real Woman (Ordena)

2001 There's No Separation (Ordena)

2001 I Get What I Want: The Best Of The ABC Years (Connoisseur Collection)

2002 Still the Queen (Ecko)

2003 My Toot Toot: Definitive Anthology (Smith & Co.)

2004 Wanted (Ecko)

2006 I'm So Hot (P-Vine)

2007 Pay Before You Pump (Ecko)

2008 A Little Bit Naughty: The ABC & MCA Years (Shout)

2010 24 Hour Woman (Malaco)

2012 At Her Best (Ecko)

2013 Making a Good Thing Better: The Complete Westbound Singles 1970-76 (Ace)



April 26, 2013: Denise LaSalle on YouTube

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Mississippi Woman" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Don't Cry No More" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Don't Mess With My Tu Tu" Live Onstage on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "The Queen Is Back (I'm Still The Queen)" Live Onstage on YouTube.

Watch a fascinating German-animated video set to Denise Lasalle singing "Don't Mess With My Tu Tu" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Trapped By A Thing Called Love" Live Onstage on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Mississippi (Delta Blues Mix)" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Why Am I Missing You" Live Onstage on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Snap, Crackle & Pop" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Going Through Changes" Live Onstage on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "It Be's That Way Sometimes" Live Onstage on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Blues Party Tonight" Live Onstage on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Lick It Before You Stick It" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Long Dong Silver" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "I'm Still The Queen" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Drop That Zero" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Down Home Blues" on YouTube.


April 27, 2013:

The Best Denise Lasalle Compilations You May Have Never Heard Of:

Making a Good Thing Better: The Complete Westbound Singles 1970-76

My Toot Toot: An Anthology

Denise Lasalle: At Her Best

I Get What I Want: The Best Of The ABC Years

A Little Bit Naughty: The ABC & MCA Years

On the Loose/Trapped by a Thing Called Love (Import)


April 12, 2015: NEW SINGLES ALERT!

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Grown Folks Business" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Tiptoeing Through The Bedroom" on YouTube.

See Daddy B. Nice's Top Ten Southern Soul Singles Review April 2015 (#9-ranked).

Denise LaSalle enters the autumn of her career...

....That's what these thought-provoking tunes proclaim. The voice (never a "belter" like her peers Peggy Scott-Adams or Shirley Brown) is even weaker now. You can sense the fragility of the flesh behind the performance, yet Denise's character and moxie are still as strong as ever. The subject matter, a mother’s scolding of a pestering child ("Grown Folks Business"), is almost embarrassingly domestic for a southern soul audience expecting sexual double entendres on the order of La Salle’s signature “Don’t Mess With My TuTu.” Young folks may not understand what all the fuss is about. Grown folks will be fascinated by Denise's daring in once again doing what hasn't been done before.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Grown Folks Business" on YouTube.

Listen to Denise LaSalle singing "Tiptoeing Through The Bedroom" on YouTube.

From Denise LaSalle's upcoming album, STILL SWINGING, written and produced by Joe H. Akines for Chi-Jaxx Records.

4. Denise in Hospital

July 5, 2016: Posted from Daddy B. Nice's Mailbag

Denise LaSalle has had triple bypass surgery.

She's in Intensive Care right now -- according to her husband, she's doing okay; I believe she had the operation today. They're looking at five or six weeks' recovery time,

David W.

See Daddy B. Nice's 21st-Century Artist Guide to Denise LaSalle.

Listen to the new duet by Karen Wolfe and Denise LaSalle: "Shake A Little Something."


October 23, 2016: From the desk of David Whiteis....

Denise LaSalle will begin touring again in December . . . She has two gigs lined up already (I'll try to get more details -- I believe one is in Flint, Michigan on December 17) -- but right now, she wants everyone to know that

"The Queen is back"

and she's ready to work. So -- promoters, bookers, etc., take note!

Daddy B. Nice notes:

David Whiteis is the author Southern Soul Blues and a close associate of Denise LaSalle. - Chitlin' Circuit Southern Soul Music Guide

Honorary "B" Side

"Older Woman (Looking For A Younger Man)"

1-5 Star Recommended Tracks
#11 - Mississippi Woman by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Mississippi Woman
CD: Pay Before You Pump
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Pay Before You Pump
#11 - Older Woman (Looking For A Younger Man) by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Older Woman (Looking For A Younger Man)
CD: 24 Hour Woman
Label: Malaco
Sample or Buy
24 Hour Woman
#11 - (Don't Mess With) My TuTu (Toot Toot) by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
(Don't Mess With) My TuTu (Toot Toot)
CD: Love Talkin'
Label: Malaco
Sample or Buy
Love Talkin'
#11 - Don't Cry No More by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Don't Cry No More
CD: My Toot Toot: Definitive Anthology
Label: Smith & Co.
#11 - I'm Still The Queen by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
I'm Still The Queen
CD: At Her Best
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
At Her Best
#11 - The Love You Threw Away by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
The Love You Threw Away
CD: Wanted
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
#11 - The Thrill Is On Again by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
The Thrill Is On Again
CD: Wanted
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
#11 - Trapped By A Thing Called Love by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 
Trapped By A Thing Called Love
CD: My Toot Toot: Definitive Anthology
Label: Smith & Co.
#11 - Cheat Receipt by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Cheat Receipt
CD: 24 Hour Woman
Label: Malaco
Sample or Buy
24 Hour Woman
#11 - Five Below Zero by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Five Below Zero
CD: Smokin' In Bed
Label: Malaco
Sample or Buy
Smokin' In Bed
#11 - Now Run Tell That by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Now Run Tell That
CD: Making a Good Thing Better: The Complete Westbound
Label: Ace
#11 - Pay Before You Pump by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Pay Before You Pump
CD: Pay Before You Pump
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
Pay Before You Pump
#11 - Snap, Crackle & Pop by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
Snap, Crackle & Pop
CD: Wanted
Label: Ecko
Sample or Buy
#11 - What Kind Of Man Is This by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
What Kind Of Man Is This
CD: This Real Woman
Label: Ordena
Sample or Buy
This Real Woman
#11 - You Should Have Kept It In The Bedroom by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars 
You Should Have Kept It In The Bedroom
CD: At Her Best
Label: Ecko
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At Her Best
#11 - Blues Party Tonight by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
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Blues Party Tonight
CD: Smokin' In Bed
Label: Malaco
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Smokin' In Bed
#11 - Home Wrecker by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
Home Wrecker
CD: 24 Hour Woman
Label: Malaco
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24 Hour Woman
#11 - I Was Not The Best Woman (Just The Biggest Fool) by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
I Was Not The Best Woman (Just The Biggest Fool)
CD: Lady In The Street
Label: Malaco
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Lady In The Street
#11 - It's Going Down by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
It's Going Down
CD: Pay Before You Pump
Label: Ecko
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Pay Before You Pump
#11 - Your Husband Is Cheating On Us by Denise LaSalle (The Posthumous Autobiography!)
3 Stars 3 Stars 3 Stars 
Your Husband Is Cheating On Us
CD: Right Place, Right Time
Label: Malaco


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